When it comes to Guar Meal, it is one of the primary ingredients that is taken into consideration in a cattle field. The reason is that it contains the highest protein content that can be considered for the purpose of animal feed.
The Guar meal is used as a thickener, viscosifier, gelling agent, binder, emulsifier, stabilizer, water-holding ingredient, and flocculants. This mean is acquired by getting the seeds of Cyamopsis tetragonoloba processed. The seeds are roasted at a very high temperature so that the trypsin inhibitor is removed. The process of trypsin inhibitor removal enhances its nutritive quotient.
When it comes to Guar Meal, it is available in two forms, and they are Guar meal churi and Guar korma. If you think what’s the difference between the two, then we have everything sorted for you. Take a look
Guar Churi:
When it comes to Guar Churi, it is one of the forms of guar that comes with high protein and is primarily considered for feeding animals. This is roasted to enhance the protein content with nutritive and amino efficiency. It is infused with guar seeds and is available in the form of a husk. Not only this, but it is also available in the form of power as well that can be easily mixed in water.
They are very rich in carbohydrates and proteins and are produced without any kind of influence of chemicals. This can also be taken into consideration for the purpose of binding composite feed goods. There are several benefits as well of the same like it booses the level of milk production for a long time period. As it comes crushed, it can be digested without any hassle as well.
Using the same on a regular basis can help you meet the dietary and nutritional needs of the animals covered, which can help in enhancing the production of milk. The best part is that it is very much free from Aflatoxin, Salmonella, & E. Coli. The product can also be used for the purpose of binding agents that can be used to feed compounds because of the residual gum presence. It can also be stored in silos and the reason being its free-flowing characteristics.
Guar Kurma:
When it comes to Guar Kurma, it is one of the primary raw materials that is taken into consideration for the production of animal feeding products. This product has been acquired as and when the guar gum extraction is completed from the seeds that are present in a granular way.
The primary purpose of this product is to be used for fish, cattle, swine, poultry, etc. It is, in fact, acknowledged as one of the most fruitful and cost-effective substitutes for the purpose of feeding an animal. It has also been taken into consideration as a perfect alternative to a soya bean meal.
As and when you heat the same at high temperature, it divides the cell walls that, boosts amino acids and proteins digestibility big time. It comes with amino acids, is high in protein, and can be digested without any hassle. Not only this, but it is also free from contaminants and is composed of very high nutritional content.
Guar meal Korma is highly recommended for the purpose of milking animals, and the primary reason is a higher level of methionine, protein, energy, and phosphorus.
Last Words
Hopefully, you are fully clear about the difference between the two Guar meals that are taken into consideration. Both of them are free of contaminants and contain high protein value. So, they both become a great option for feeding animals and producing a high volume of milk.